Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Shadows on the Wall

Shadows cast on an outdoor wall by an overhead ramada on the back patio. This was one of my earliest shots switching from film to digital a couple of years ago... just experimenting.

Some who have viewed this photograph feel the opposing angle shadow in the upper left is a distraction. Others feel it lends interest to an otherwise somewhat static composition. Only the shadow knows!

Tech Data: Nikon D-70; AF-S Nikkor 18-70 @ 24mm; f8 @ 250

Portfolio: Shadows

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


One of my favorite themes is what I call "Drive By Shooting" where I photograph people and vehicles... and people in vehicles that are either driving by me or I am driving my them or both. This also includes people along the side of the street (photographing bus stops are especially interesting) as I am driving by.

For the sake of safety... it is a "catch as you can" type of photography. My eyes and attention are on the road when I'm driving... and I rarely catch more than a glimpse at what I am photographing. Good composition is mostly by chance. When I get home and go through the hundreds of images... there might be one or two that are good captures. It's more the enjoyment of doing it rather than satisfaction of a lot of great results.

My camera is tripod mounted on the floor of my van between the two front seats. Usually pointing out the passenger side window (which is open) and set on auto focus and usually speed priority. Few of my drive bys will be completely sharp... that's part of the effect. Even at 1/1000 sec there is minimal camera shake from the vehicle itself... the movement and speed of the camera source... as well as the subject... all factors that contribute to the rapid drive by effect.

And again... if I'm shooting from my vehicle... I am not looking at the subject. My eyes and attention are on the road. Good results are mostly by chance... but that's what makes it an interesting challenge and finding a good shot becomes an exciting discovery.

Tech Data: Nikon D-70; AF-S Nikkor 18-70 @ 35mm; 1\1000 @ f8;

Portfolio: Drive By Shooting

Friday, August 25, 2006

Aim High

High on my list of favorite portfolio themes is taking pictures of people taking pictures... or "Photographing the Photographer." These are shutterbugs who will put themselves in some very unique and interesting positions just to get that perfect shot and capture the moment.

This is my son James on one of our photo excursions trying to get a precise angle of a skylight at the University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center here in Tucson.

Tech Data: Nikon D-70; Nikkor 55-200mm @55mm; F8 @125; Natural light

Portfolio: "Photographing the Photographer"

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Craquelure For Photo Friday 25 August 2006: Circle

A craquelure on an outdoor table top left unattended for several years. Contributed for Photo Friday 25 August 2006: Circle

Amy's Morning Raindrops

This is Miss Amy Rillis... more commonly known to many as Amaryllis. A pre-dawn shower left her clean and fresh. A couple of weeks ago she sprang to life after being dormant since early spring. She is a delight to behold and a testament to new life.

Tech Data: Nikon D-70; AF-S Nikkor 18-70mm lens @ 70mm; 1\60 sec @ f16; Diffused flash

Portfolio: The Wonder of Wet