Friday, May 05, 2006

For Those Who Cannot Fly

I don't have a particular passion for chain link fences. I don't collect them... I don't gaze at them and contemplate their beauty... nor do I seek a greater understanding of why they exist and how they affect my life. Although American publisher Elbert Hubbard wrote a hundred years ago... "Fences are made for those who cannot fly". Some interesting thinking.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Look

Adolescence is a time in life when a youngster begins to truly discover their ingenuity and creativity... in both thinking and doing. It is a new adventure... and consequently you find them often referring to themselves as "weird". It is not weirdness... it is magic! Submitted for Photo Friday... 5 May 2006... "Adolescence".

Morning Hibiscus

It was a wise person who is recorded to have said some 2500 years ago... "If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change".

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Please Be Respectful

This crude sign with it's well-mannered message greets visitors to the rose garden at Reid Park here in Tucson. It was a wise sage who said... "If you are respectful by habit, constantly mindul of others, four things increase: long life, beauty, happiness, and strength."

Wise counsel in our "I... me... myself" world. Too bad it takes a sign to remind us.